Articles Posted by webmaster

Live Streaming!

We are now video broadcasting via Facebook Live for Sunday Worship Services and other special events!

Christ commands us to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15). Live streaming allows us to fulfill the great commission and reach people we’ve never reached before. During the month of September, we reached over 400 people via streaming.

Today most people start their search for a church on Google instead of walking through the church doors. Broadcasting our services online shows seekers a glimpse of the community they can join.   It also allows our members who are home sick, their caregivers, vacationers, or those gone for the winter, to stay connected and be a part of what’s happening despite their distance.

Showcasing our sermons and services online makes new families more comfortable with who we are, what we’re about, and what they should expect from our ministry. We record each service so they are now available online (24×7) at &

We need help to provide this ministry weekly, To help with this important ministry, please contact us

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United Methodist Men

United Methodist Men is a ministry of our church whose mission is:
– To meet the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of our church and community.
– To disciple others, to teach others and to offer Christian fellowship.
– To increase our lines of communications, especially to the youth, elderly and community through our group.
– To offer
Christian fellowship to the community.

United Methodist Men is open to men in our church and community who love to serve God and spread his love.  We meet every third Saturday at 8:00 am.  We hold several activities through the year to support the needs of our community.

We have a joint fundraiser with Women in Ministry every year and we also help support the Thanksgiving baskets, Christmas food, and toys for the children.

The United Methodist Men also support the Sacramento Camp building fund and help the Trustees with maintenance and upkeep of the church and parsonage.

The United Methodist Men are always looking for opportunities to do God’s work for the church and community.

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Prayers for October

Household Prayer: Morning

Help us, God, as we rise this day, to seek out your will as we enjoy the good and suffer through the bad.

Prove us, O God, and try us so that we can learn the steps we need to take to follow your ways.


Household Prayer: Evening

When I felt like a dejected child, rejected and lost, your comfort surrounded me, and I felt as if I was home.

Thank you for your embracing heart, for making me feel special and loved, for helping me up, and for saying that you are my brother, my Savior, my friend.

Thank you, Jesus.



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What can we do to help?

As The United Methodist Church conferences from across the country offer support and await an invitation to assist the Early Response Teams and disaster coordinators in Harvey clean up and recovery, here’s

5 Things You Can Do:

1. Please continue to pray for those whose lives have been impacted by hurricane/tropical storm Harvey. Please also pray for the Early Response Teams, disaster coordinators, and many volunteers in The Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist ChurchLouisiana Conference of The United Methodist ChurchRío Texas Conference of The United Methodist Church and Central Texas Conference who are working tirelessly to provide relief after Harvey.

2. Make relief kits…/Relief-S…/Relief-Supply-Kits/Cleaning

3. Give to UMCOR’s relief and recovery efforts:…/SPageNaviga…/umcor_donate.html…

4. Donate only those items requested.

5. Please wait for an invitation to volunteer.

UMCOR – United Methodist Committee On Relief is grateful for your relentless prayers and support.

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New Website Now Online

It's been in progress quite a while, but today we announce the launch of the new website for Cloudcroft United Methodist Church.   We hope you enjoy some of the new features:

* What's Happening – is our calendar of events
* Latest News – at the bottom of the home page
* Sermon Recordings – under Media Mix
* Subscription – if you'd like to subscribe and receive an email whenever news is posted click "New Here" and "Subscribe".  You can always unsubscribe and your email will not be disclosed to others.
Remember, the site is a work in progress and we value your input for new features or adjustments you wish to see.
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