About Us
Welcome to the Cloudcroft United Methodist Church
Come! Strengthen your faith and renew your spirit in 11:00 Sunday morning worship. You will laugh and pray, sing and learn with people who have open minds, open hearts and throw our doors open wide.
Do you want to dig deeper into learning and fellowship? Sunday morning classes meet at 9:30am.
Through the week we offer the only State Licensed Preschool in the area. Children are precious to us! We are a Safe Sanctuary Church and the same importance on safety and well being extends to the Preschool families.
Do you want to dig deeper into learning and fellowship? Sunday morning classes meet at 9:30am.
Through the week we offer the only State Licensed Preschool in the area. Children are precious to us! We are a Safe Sanctuary Church and the same importance on safety and well being extends to the Preschool families.
We Meet Each Sunday at 11am at 50 Chipmunk Ave in Cloudcroft NM
Cloudcroft UMC
Our latest music program
Cloudcroft UMC
Our latest sermons
Christian Roots
We are a church that loves God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and people.
We share a common heritage with all Christians:
* Through faith in Jesus Christ we are forgiven, reconciled to God and transformed as people.
* We confess belief in the triune God.
* We celebrate the saving love of God through Jesus Christ is for all people.
* The church is a fellowship that worships God with thanksgiving and praise.
* The church cares for any in need and supports her members.
* We embrace Christian baptism from every denomination
* Everyone is welcomed at the Table of Holy Communion where we are nourished for faithful discipleship.
* The Bible is our guide and teaches us the steadfast love of God. In matters of faith, Scripture is authority.
* Our preaching and teaching is grounded in Scripture, informed by Christian tradition, enlivened in experience, and tested by reason.
* Through faith in Jesus Christ we are forgiven, reconciled to God and transformed as people.
* We confess belief in the triune God.
* We celebrate the saving love of God through Jesus Christ is for all people.
* The church is a fellowship that worships God with thanksgiving and praise.
* The church cares for any in need and supports her members.
* We embrace Christian baptism from every denomination
* Everyone is welcomed at the Table of Holy Communion where we are nourished for faithful discipleship.
* The Bible is our guide and teaches us the steadfast love of God. In matters of faith, Scripture is authority.
* Our preaching and teaching is grounded in Scripture, informed by Christian tradition, enlivened in experience, and tested by reason.
The Mission
The mission of Cloudcroft UMC is to be the love of God for seekers. We desire to make room for any who come seeking to grow in their walk with God.
The Global Nature of the Mission
The Church seeks to fulfill its global mission through the Spirit-given serving ministries of all Christians, both lay and clergy.
The Mission in the World
United Methodists have long been known for their response to God’s saving grace by extending that generosity to others. We believe the most converting, convincing witness of God’s love for all is by how we love our neighbors
and live our lives. Love of God is always linked with love of neighbor, a passion for justice and renewal in the life of the world. Where the world hurts, United Methodist brand of Christians will be present.
and live our lives. Love of God is always linked with love of neighbor, a passion for justice and renewal in the life of the world. Where the world hurts, United Methodist brand of Christians will be present.
God's love for people
We seek to reveal the love of God for men, women, and children all of them, no exceptions. Everyone is welcome in this worshiping community. We seek to demonstrate the healing power of the good news Jesus taught to all those who suffer.
Help is Needed
We are a community of people loving each other and the Lord. Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing
with one another in love. Make every effort to keep this holy unity.
with one another in love. Make every effort to keep this holy unity.
Help support Cloudcroft UMC with your gifts, offerings and tithes to our general fund
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Cloudcroft United Methodist Church
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Cloudcroft UMC team
Administrative Staff
We are a community of people loving each other and the Lord. Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing
with one another in love. Make every effort to keep this holy unity.
with one another in love. Make every effort to keep this holy unity.